Gastric Bypass 
People who undergo bariatric surgery can lose up to ten sizes of clothing. The patient drastically reduces his weight, reflected in his body mass index, therefore the skin of his body and face that previously adhered to his old texture, ends up becoming a kind of apron that hangs and besides being physically annoying a volume appearance that does not allow to see the real weight loss. A solution to this aesthetic problem that diminishes the self-esteem and quality of life of these patients is post bariatric surgery.

Therefore, before performing a post-bariatric surgery, it is necessary to follow up on the patient for at least one year. During this time the patient must have stabilized his weight and body mass index. Generally, when a patient requires more than one operation, the circumferential abdominoplasty will be performed first, that is, the excess skin of the lower part of the abdomen is removed both in the anterior and posterior aspects. Then there will be lifting arms and / or thighs (cruroplasty). Later if it is required to manage the trunk in women a sinus pex is planned and in men a complete skin reduction. Finally, the face and neck will be intervened if necessary.

It should be clarified that each patient has a different need, so not all will require the same number of surgeries and each result after the operation will be different. But in any case it is essential to wait for the weight and health of the patient to stabilize and this may take a year or more after bariatric surgery.

It is noteworthy that all procedures should not be performed to remove all excess skin in a single operation because it is widely demonstrated that this is an error that can cost the patient's life due to the nutritional deficit that it has, since it is a surgery of big risks.

© 2018 copyright Gastric Bypass in Guadalajara
Gastric bypass in Guadalajara is a complementary procedure that aims to eliminate the excess skin that literally hangs the person after doing some surgical procedure to lose weight. Generally, the parts where the skin appears most flaccid are in the abdomen, arms, thighs, trunk and face.

Sometimes there are patients who need post bariatric surgery performed only in some of the parts mentioned above and others require it in all regions, to shape their body and achieve a desired silhouette after a massive weight loss. However, all these procedures can not be done at the time because post bariatric surgery is not simple and it is absolutely necessary that the patient is in good health to tolerate the operation successfully. Generally after having an adjustable ring, gastric band, or gastric bypass, these people have a significant deficit of vitamins and nutrients that require substitution in order to be taken to surgery.
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Ruben Dario 1601 | Col. Providencia | Guadalajara | Jalisco | Tel. (33) 3817 2058   

Gastric Bypass in Guadalajara

Dr. Gerardo Herrera
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Dr. Gerardo Herrera
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    (33) 3817 2058
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